Thursday, January 27, 2011


Guarded gates on wings of angels
Cherubum attend your calls
mirriads of spirits gather
begging entrance to your halls
  will they be denied......

Devine intervention whispers
I've never felt this earth my home
then once again reflections crystalize
turn everything I've always known..
to mythical lies......

I long for that distant yet familiar shore
As I dangle and stretch on that silver cord.
I know I could go the distance
If I severed all reminiscence..
But something holds me back ~
limitations on my shoulder tap
once again they remind me
I'm not free...not yet free.

In your mighty castle deep
High in clouds beyond our door
The wind sings her secret song
one we've heard and known before
But do not recognize...

Dormant arms reach out for you
Don't you see them anymore?
Have they become common sight
like scattered shells upon a shore
victims of the tides...

We long for that distant yet familiar shore
As we dangle and stretch on our silver cords.
We know we could go the distance
if we severed all reminiscence..
But something holds us back ~
limitations on our shoulders tap
Once again they remind us
we are not free...not yet free.

 © #168 Mea.

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