Thursday, January 27, 2011

So sorry my roaming romantic one
We've fought your damn battle,and I have won.
You forced it's start and I played by your rules
We fought and I conquered and turned you the fool.

I told you not to question my skill
of mind on what matters-my power of will.
But to battle with you, you begged if I'd dare
in distaste I turned head, and started the stare.

Dead' was my love for you - seems long ago.
Yet you kept insisting some twinkling would show.
I warned you and hoped that you would'nt persist
you dared me.... till I could no longer resist.
*So up with our weapons
without last replies
We started
The Great Battle of the Eyes*

Ever so slowly, about face to face
seconds turned minutes all droned into space
we stared on and on - this suspended spot
3-D tuned 1-D -a black and white dot

The clock tick'a tockin, became a base drum
my hands to my feet a most unpleasant numb
peripheral vision then shrunk to a dime
your face took the image as some creepy mime.
*OH' had you just listened
now it's you demise
to suffer the great battle of the eyes*

One brief little moment, I thought I might loose
when the twitch of your lids danced a jiggety boo
But composure ensued as the thought then occured
that this at last could be our final last words.

You 'finally' broke contact, stepped out of your role
as my indifference entered your soul.
The battle I hoped would not go this far
but forever your eyes will now carry my scar.

I told you my roaming romantic fake
I left you abruptly-just for your sake.
You should'nt have tested my hasty good-bye
to save you
the Great Battle of the Eyes.
 #15. Mea.

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