Brother foot steps
From the Ocean to the woodlands
how I ever hear your call
Those whispering soft murmurs
all the winter thru the fall.
Your sighs like shifting voices
they sway me to and fro
Hands like feathered shadows
they guide me where to go.
The Earth, her breath within me
Her winds my sail and song
Algonquin spirits keeping me
where I ( feel ) I belong.
It's here this soil you once stood
ancient days ago
It's here this ground I stand now
remembering all I've known.
Of love and life you praised it all
this earth we pray and bleed on.
It's here that you once lived and died
betrayed for our own freedom.
Mighty warriors of my past
who's truth became a fiction
The blood once shed upon this land
remains your benediction.
Oh' rocky land _Oh' Northern shores
nourish me my mother.
My heart, my soul, New England is
I love her like no other!
©. #168 Mea.
your new poem does tell it
you did it yourself
your very
to poetry
your stuff kicks much ass, always.
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