Monday, February 14, 2011

At What Cost?


"Freedom, why the forlorn look?"
asked Liberty perched on her hook.
"I sense your glumness in the air
A rather heavy thick despair".

"That's true, it feels a sort of heat"
Speaks Independence, from his seat.
"But conquer we will - this battle forth."
"Aye_ says Freedom, At what cost?"

"Whatever do you mean-what cost?"
Tolls Liberty, all in a froth.
"Proud and sure we keep this fight
pursuing what we feel our right."

"We must rule - or then be ruled!"
Independence ridicules.
"In control - we'll not be bossed."
Aye,_ says Freedom, At what cost?"

"So tell.....what would 'you' have us do?"

 asked both of them to Freedom, who
sighs deeply with his thoughts pellmell
"I have - says he, just this to tell"....

"They scream for INDEPENDENCE who
is bound himself  to me and you.
To LIBERTY, they raise the flame
then burn what little hope remains
and  I
yes, I - 'let FREEDOM ring!
some shout eternal on the wing.
Convinced that I alone -some lord
the epitome all life is stored."
"Truth is.........
Forsaking God and Holy law
Our first intent _will be our fall.
We three such hypocratic  force,
what if triumphant....At what cost?"

"He's lost his gut.....or lost his mind"
jibes Liberty "Where is your spine?'
Our cause is noble as my bell"
("Your Pride, says Freedom- starts to swell.")

Cries Liberty "your fear is loud
and smells of a decaying shroud.
Support is ours, there's little lost."
(Nay, says Freedom - great the Cost!")

"Enough your doom.... you make me laugh"

smirks Independence, at half mast.
"We've all the world now at a glance."
("Take care, says Freedom - Arrogance.")

BOOMS Independence..."Don't you dare!
We three are One, this cause you share.
You too bear weight upon this cross."
 Aye, says Freedom - At What Cost ?"

#136 Mea.

© #136 Mea. 

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