Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Yes, Angels Do have Wings.

YES, Angels do have wings

I felt lost and not my own
although I had a loving home.
Something deep inside of me
felt caged and longing to be free.

I wandered off - most times alone
seeking something - some unknown.
Imagining the world brand new
the paradise I never knew.

A moment came, as often would
the thought occurred, as if it should,
That all I longed for, all I wished
was knowing life meant more than this.

I felt a bite .... ungrateful shame.
Like I had craved some selfish gain.
Then right that moment - from ahigh
A vision bright ..... and this reply.

I've come thus forth ... please do not fear,
your loving Father sent me here.

Praise not, nor crave this form I hold,
search first His kingdom, in your soul.

Though mighty wings these are I wear
Your burdens heavy - that they bear.

And laden thus with all the chores
your conscience ever leaning t'wards

Yet from this moment forever on
your search for truth will burn upon

your mind though weary, searching deep
the core of justice that you seek.

This task is not for weak of mind
It is a gift from our Devin.

Your life though wove in darkest days
your love for truth will light your way"

YES, Angels do have wings
that lift them higher when they sing
That flutter when they chance to laugh
That spread out mighty, strong and fast
Whenever given Holy task.

Like a whisper on your cheek
A little breath of warmth down deep
That too quick glimpse just passing by
A shadow brushing cross the sky,

The guardians, watching you and I.

 © # 288. Mea.

1 comment:

Dee Oset-Kean said...

Mea, words can't describe how I feel. You have such a fiery spirit. You made me cry and i love you.